Busting Excuses

When we feel anxious or nervous, we often find ourselves making excuses for not taking care of ourselves. We may choose to ignore self-love and self-care, believing that we don’t deserve it. Perhaps we are too busy with life, whether that’s work, running errands, or caring for others. At other times, we may prioritize spending time with our significant other over caring for ourselves. We often make excuses for why we don’t believe we are worth it, such as “I need to lose weight first,” “it’s too expensive,” or “I just don’t have the time.” I want to remind you that you can achieve your goals and deserve to love yourself just as you are. In this post, I will address some of the most common excuses people use when it comes to celebrating themselves.

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I don’t have time.

It is important to remember that if you don’t take care of yourself mentally, emotionally, and physically, you won’t be able to take care of others. Do you find it easier to put other things first and put your needs to the side? I make all the same excuses as everyone else, and sometimes I need someone to remind me that I deserve to do something for myself, to take a break and that I’m worth it! We all have the same 24 hours in our day. It’s time to ask yourself, “What are you going to do with your time to remind yourself that you are just as valuable as everyone else?”

When you book a CRAVE Session, you will have the opportunity to spend a few hours disconnecting from the outside world and letting go of all the stress and drama you may face on a daily basis. During the session, you will learn to stop comparing yourself to others and worrying about what they think of you because you will be engulfed in an incredible amount of positivity all about YOU! You will also get to appreciate your true beauty and be reminded that you are amazing!

Who doesn’t have time for that?!

I need to lose weight.

Did you know that only 5% of American females have the body type that is commonly shown in advertising? Yes, you heard it right – just 5%! This means that the curvy body type that most of us believe is “average” or “normal” is actually not. Our perception of what is desirable is heavily influenced by social media and marketing strategies. Unfortunately, this has caused a lot of damage to the female psyche, making many women feel undervalued and undesirable.

CRAVE was designed to celebrate you just the way you are! I cannot stress enough how important it is for you to trust the process and show up. Our CRAVE team works hard to help you embrace your body and love yourself for who you are, regardless of your shape or size. We believe that every woman deserves to be celebrated.

Consider CRAVE as a starting line, not a finish line. It will help you appreciate yourself and raise your self-awareness to a new level.

I don’t know what to wear.

This is a common hesitation. Many women don’t feel confident or sexy in their clothing. Much of this feeling is due to not knowing how to dress for your body type. One of the biggest keys to picking out your clothing is to remember that you are NOT your high school body type! Most of us try to fit into the sizing of clothing that we want to wear rather than fitting the clothing to our body type. When you book a CRAVE Session you will be given access to our exclusive Ultimate Fashion Guide. This guide will help you determine your body type, give you tips and tricks for picking out clothing, and even provide you with links to clothing that will look great on you. This is going to be a confidence building experience from start to finish! I have worked hard to take out as much of the guesswork as possible and provide you with lots of hand-holding! Check out a sneak peek to some of my fashion tips and tricks!

It’s too expensive.

Your CRAVE Session is an investment. It’s an investment in yourself. Are you willing to invest in your confidence and empowerment? Imagine waking up every day feeling confident, sexy, and amazing, and believing that you can conquer anything that comes your way. What amount of money would you be willing to invest in order to have this level of self-belief on a daily basis?

We do offer payment plans. To book your shoot, there is a booking retainer, and after that, we can set up your payment plan for the remaining balance, which may make it easier to book your session. If you have any questions about our payment plans, shoot us an email while setting up your session.