Say hello to another lovely CRAVE lady, Jen! Her session was based on a fun firefighter boudoir photography concept! Jen has been a part of the R2 Family for a long time, but now she’s entering a whole other realm of vulnerability with us. We were so excited to learn more about this astonishing woman and figure out what makes her tick during her CRAVE Session.

We sat down to talk to Jen and she was terrified because she just recently had a birthday. After a certain point, each birthday is a little scary, isn’t it? Especially for women! Your hormones are changing, you worry more and more about your health. Jen has always been into fitness and health. She used to participate in fitness competitions and train her body to its absolute limits. Ultimately, when you’re training your body in that way, you start to focus on the idea of “perfection”. Jen says she always holds herself to that standard because she knows what her body can look like. If you ask us, she’s perfect just the way she is! Whether she’s competition ready or not, this woman is beautiful inside and out and we want her to see herself the way the world sees her: Absolutely gorgeous!

We asked Jen what she felt most confident in and she said a sports bra and gym clothes. However, her husband loves it when she wears a “real” bra! We made sure to include some cute “real” bra outfits for him! Obviously, we wanted to play with his firefighter uniform as well. We absolutely love how her firefighter boudoir photography turned out! When we asked her what makes her feel sexy, she said that she loves when her hair is done and worn down and her makeup is done… So why add anything else? We are so thankful that Jen wanted to get vulnerable with us with nothing more than her smile on! She was nervous about “getting there” body wise, but we think that she would be stunning in any form!

Sometimes, these CRAVE Sessions will challenge you to look into yourself and what makes you vulnerable. We all have an idea of what you “should” “could” and “would” look like in a perfect world. But what we want to focus on in your natural ability to be sexy without any outside influence. We believe every woman in sexy in their own right. There are no standards. There are no guidelines. We want YOU. Find your sexy with your own CRAVE Session with The R2 Studio! And if you have our own concept like firefighter boudoir photography, bring it on! We can’t wait to hear from you!

firefighter boudoir photography in flagstaff

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flagstaff boudoir photographer

flagstaff boudoir photographer

firefighter boudoir photography in flagstaff

boudoir photography in flagstaff

boudoir photography in flagstaff